Actress, writer and activist Patricia Arquette has spent her career portraying memorable characters in film and on television. Winner of both the Academy Award and the Emmy for her acting, Arquette has chosen to use her considerable visibility to shine a light on issues and speak for people whose voices are rarely heard. Her work post-Katrina and then in Haiti after the devastating hurricanes in 2012 led to the creation of the organization “Give Love” to help those still suffering.
As a young single mother, Arquette struggled to make ends meet with her son, Enzo. Later, in the film Boyhood, which was filmed over the course of 12 years, Arquette portrayed a woman faced with many of the struggles raised in Equal Means Equal — single motherhood, poverty, domestic violence and abuse.
When Arquette raised the issue of equality and fair wages for women at the 2015 Academy Awards, the world took notice. She has galvanized a growing movement determined to achieve equality for women in the United States. She has been a steadfast champion of the film and the women it seeks justice for over the course of many years.