Lucienne Beard, Executive Director of the Alice Paul Institute in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey, has spent decades promoting women’s role in shaping our society. Her work on the NEH-funded “Raising Our Sites” project helped Pennsylvania museums create more inclusive exhibits and programs. Her research and writing has cast a light on little known historic sites that tell the rich legacy of women’s contributions. For decades she has advocated for full legal equality guaranteed in the US Constitution through an Equal Rights Amendment because, like her inspiration – Alice Paul, author of the ERA – Beard believes that “there is nothing complicated about ordinary equality.” The Alice Paul Institute, based in Paul’s New Jersey home, offers leadership development programs for middle and high school girls to train a new generation of activists who will work for gender equality. Beard has a BA in International Affairs from The George Washington University and an MA in American History from Rutgers University. She has served on the boards of the Girl Scouts and PA Museums, and currently is Secretary on the board of trustees at The New Century Trust, a women’s historic site in Philadelphia. Beard lives in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey and has children living in Philadelphia, New Jersey and Madagascar.