Sandra Fluke is a social justice attorney who garnered national attention in 2012 when she testified before members of Congress regarding comprehensive insurance coverage for birth control. She then responded to personal and sexist attacks from Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, and as media attention grew, she believed it was her responsibility to speak out and advance the policies she has always fought for.
In addition to her work on gender equality issues, she has helped pass legislation ending discrimination against the LGBTQ community in family court, represented victims of domestic violence at the Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles, and helped pass the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights, signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in 2013.
Ms. Fluke graduated cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center as a public interest law scholar with a certificate in refugee and humanitarian emergencies. She also received her B.S. degree from Cornell University in policy analysis and management, as well as feminist, gender, and sexuality studies.
She is currently the California State director at Voices For Progress.