Noreen Farrell is the Executive Director of Equal Rights Advocates, one of the nation’s leading legal non-profits advocating for women and girls at work and school. Noreen was named a top Legal Innovator in 2014. She also was named one of the 2012 Top Women Leaders in Law by The Recorder and, in 2013, she was named as one of the Top 100 Women Lawyers in California and Top Employment Lawyers in California by the Daily Journal.
She has led ERA’s impact litigation and policy efforts to eradicate sex discrimination (previously as ERA’s Legal Director and as its Executive Director since April 2012). She has served as counsel in numerous successful individual and class actions, including on behalf of female students, janitors, retail workers, lawyers, restaurant workers, tradeswomen, educators, and casino workers.
Noreen speaks extensively across the country and has published widely on civil rights matters. She is considered a national leader in a variety of gender justice issues, including Title IX protection of students from sex discrimination, fair pay, sexual harassment, workplace leave and accommodation, and the protection of caregivers from discrimination at work.
Noreen currently serves as Chair of the Stronger California Advocates Network, a collaboration of nearly 30 organizations advancing a comprehensive women’s economic security policy agenda. She also chairs the Equal Pay Today Campaign, a national campaign led by ERA and 20 other organizational partners closing the gender wage gap in states across the country.